Tuesday, July 12, 2016

We have a College Graduate!

Our first born graduated from the University of Houston - Clear Lake on May 15, 2016, with a bachelor of science degree in biology! Can I just say what proud parents we are! It took him 7 years, but that's okay! He plans to teach science and coach. 

That night, as I lay in bed, it really hit me that nothing would ever be the same again! He would soon begin this new chapter in his life.  A new job, moving out, beginning his own life. I'm not ready, although he's 25, to let him go! I never imagined how hard it would be to cut those apron strings. Needless to say, I cried for hours. He came home later, laid next to me in the bed, as he often did as a child. He assured me I'd always be his number 1.  He may think that now, but once he's married, I know his wife will take that place, and rightfully so. 

We attended graduation, accompanied by Tyler's girlfriend and her parents, then celebrated with dinner at Pappasitos. Here's a few pics of this grand occasion! Party post to follow. 

We love you Tyler Sean Rhone and are so proud of your college graduation! 🎓

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