Friday, July 17, 2015

Photo Phun

Photo Phun, cheezey, I know. Photo fun at Brian's 50th birthday celebration. These pictures are so silly they deserved a post of their own!  It's fun to be silly and the pictures are hilarious! Those who didn't participate missed out! Here's a few pics!

Brian is 5 oh!

7/5/15, Brian turned 50. OH, MY!  Every year, On the eve of his birth, all of America is celebrating and fireworks light up the sky! Many friends came by to celebrate with him and he will remember this birthday for many years! Two of his high school friends came as well and he was so happy to see them! The day was perfect and he had a great time!  Thanks everyone who helped make his day special!

Brian and Jody Augustine

Brian and Patrick Price

Happy 50th Honey!