Saturday, May 7, 2016

Granny's Fall from Grace, I mean Garage!

The call you always dread getting.  "Mom has fallen, I called an ambulance". Poor Granny. She was heading out the door for a doctor's appt. and fell getting out the door to the garage. The step down using her walker caused her to become unbalanced, hence the fall. She broke her Tibua (big bone) in lower leg, right below the knee. She's 84. Not an easy fall at her age. Here's a pic of her leg. Nasty!

She was admitted under observation to the hospital. They were controlling her pain with morphine pushes through a heplock. A nasty break. Ortho doc said no weight on that leg for 3 months. Sigh. Now what do we do? She was already feeble and using a walker. This was not her first fall. How does an 84 year old lady manage any mobility with a no weight bearing leg. At first, the bed pan sufficed for her potty needs. But, we soon came to realize that once she said she had to go, there wasn't enough time to wait for the aids and/or nurses to come help. I was with her the most and due to my back surgery I was not able to lift on her to assist with the bed pan. She, being old, in pain, and on pain meds, could not help lift herself. So, we decided the best option was to place a diaper, unfastened under her. Much easier to pull that out than change sheets on bed. She was in the hospital 7 days. By the end of 7 days she was now wearing the diaper, fastened, to prevent leaks. Moving her to change her bedding caused her too much pain. 

We knew she could not go home. No one was able to be with her 24 hours a day as everyone has jobs. Even if someone could be with her, we knew we could not care for her in this condition. What to do? Thankfully a family friend helped get her into the hospitals rehab unit a few floors down. Now, let me back up, when she was admitted the day of her fall, she was admitted under observation. Medicare would not approve a skilled nursing center (nursing home for rehabable patients) unless her admittance status was changed to in patient care. No one wanted to change this status. But God took care of that! The next day, her blood work showed a UTI that required IV antibiotics and her O2 was low requiring oxygen. Then later that day her blood count was so low she required two units of blood. Status changed to inpatient! What a relief!  So, after 9 days in the hospital's rehab unit, she was then transferred to a skilled nursing center. The Regency House. With recommendations, high ratings, and a visit to the facility, this was where Brian decided for her to heal and rehab. (Brian has power of attorney for all of her finances and health needs.). The reason for wanting her admitted under "skilled nursing" was because Medicare would pay for 100 days. Because the facility we chose didn't accept Medicade her portion is about $40 a day. Having to admit her under "custodial" would have meant the facility receiving her whole monthly income. Now, if she's not ready to go home after the 100 days and Medicare won't approve more days, then that's the route we will have to take. It can be reversed once she leaves. We just pray she will heal enough to bare weight and will be able to walk again. Even if she physically can walk, will she? Will the fear of falling again be too big for her to try? She can't stay home alone if she can't take care of her basic needs, toileting, transferring from bed to chair, etc. so then what? Bring her to our home for us to take care of? Hire someone? Continue long term nursing care in patient. Tough decisions to be made eventually. Everyone, especially the elderly, just want to be at home. As of today, July 8, doc says bone is healing, but slowly. She fell 4/12/16. 

On day at a time. That's all we can do. So far, she's been ok being in the facility. Here's a few pics. I'll do an update post later. 

Day 3 in hospital. Therapy got her out of bed in a chair. She was in so much pain and out of it!

Day 10, in hospital rehab unit

Day 13, therapist trying to get her to stand on one leg. 

After she got her cast, sexy granny!

Our visit Memorial Day Weekend. She looks so much better!

Go Granny, Go get well!! We love you!

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