Monday, December 10, 2012

Shingles belong on the roof!

Shingles?  Yes, from the dormant chicken pox virus.  Usually older people get them...I'm about to be 47.  The doctor said they are seeing people who are younger and younger breaking out with the Shingles.  Physical stress and mental/emotional stress can cause an outbreak.  Stress, NO, no stress here.  Worrying about a breast biopsy and the outcome and the death of my precious Mocha was very stressful. 

I was hurting underneath the same breast that I had the biopsy on, so I thought perhaps it was scar tissue forming.  Then, my back (on the same side) started hurting, I assumed I had pulled a muscle, except this didn't feel like any pulled muscle I had ever had before.  Then, the blisters come.  I knew it was the Shingles before officially diagnosed.  I came home from the doctor with a bag full of meds.  So far, I don't think any of them are working.  New blisters have appeared, the pain is unbearable at times.  The best way I can explain it is burning, tingling, and sore to the touch on the outside, and a deep tugging, sharp pain deep in the inside.  This pain is underneath my breast and wraps around under my arm and into my back.  Although I have no blisters on my back, that is where the inside pain is the worst.  I can only sleep for a few hours at a time, most of the time.  I have had two nights of 8 hours of sleep, probably because I am so utterly exhausted. 

This is not me, but this is what they look like.  (I didn't think anyone wanted to see a picture of the underneath side of my breast!)  I am on an anti-viral medicine, so my blisters aren't as severe, but hurt nontheless.

If you are over 50, please go get a Shingles vaccination.  Your doctor or pharmacy can give it to you.  (They will only vaccinate if you're over 50.)  I do not wish this pain on anyone.

I am so thankful we decorated the yard and house before I became ill.  Also, really glad I had completed most of my shopping.  I am also thankful for Steph who did my grocery shopping and cooked enough food to feed my family this week. 

This too shall pass.  I just hope it decides to pass quickly!

I only want to have to deal with Shingles on the roof of my house!  (Just not from a hurricane!)

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