Wednesday, August 22, 2012

School days, school days, good ole golden rule days...

Well, it's that time again!  School is starting and I can't believe this will be my baby's last year of junior high and my oldest is almost done with college.  Where did the time go?  I have always cried dropping my kids off for the first day of school.  Sometimes I don't even know why I'm crying, I just do.  Crying for what was, what is, or what will be?  Crying because, just because.  I'm ready for a routine again, just as much as I'm always ready for no routine when school is out for the summer.  It's funny how I can't wait for summer, then fall, winter and spring.  It's not that I'm not content during any of those seasons, but I'm always ready to say goodbye to one and welcome the next.  Fall means cooler weather, football, and sweat pants!  Winter means hot chocolate, hot tub, and fireplace!  Spring means everything new, warmer temps, and an aching for summer.  Summer means lazy, pool time, and hot!

My favorite seasons are definitely spring and fall.  With each spring, it reminds me that God isn't so disappointed in us yet.  I love the new grass coming in, the trees budding, the flowers blooming and the birds nesting.  In fall, I love the signs that winter is on it's way.  The leaves falling, the grass turning brown, and the cooler temps.

I remember at my old house how we would have a "Leaf" party every fall.  The kids on the street would come over with a rake in hand.  They would all rake the leaves into a big pile and take turns jumping in was so much fun.  I would make cookies and kool-aid.  After the fun was over, everyone helped pick up the leaves.  Sometimes I sure miss those days.

Spring always brought a sense of renewal.  I loved spring cleaning, opening the windows,  preparing my flower beds for what was sure to be the prettiest display yet. 

I love to see all the kids excited about school starting!  Sporting their new clothes and backpacks, all spruced up!  I hope everyone has a wonderful school year full of blessings!

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