Monday, July 1, 2013

BOX cutter, not HAND cutter!

My boys, including Brian, are keeping me (and the emergency room) busy! 

Brian went to Lowes on his 1st day of vacation, came home with a battery operated weed eater for me, since I can't handle the gas one.  He was cutting the plastic ties off of the box, and in the process sliced his hand.  It was spewing blood.  Off to the ER we went.

This was after they sutured up the artery he cut which was spewing blood.  I usually don't get sick from seeing blood, but when it was spewing, I became dizzy and weak, had to leave the room.

Artery sutured, and 6 stitches later, he's all better!  Tetnus shot and antibiotic!  I sure hope we've seen the ER for the last time any time soon!

Gotta love living with boys!  :)

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